Central Hindu Girls School


Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a future job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one’s life in a right path. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face the future challenges. Parents, students and the school authorities are a team and we have to complement each other’s efforts.
At Central Hindu Girls School, we focus on complete development of our students by involving them in both scholastic & co-scholastic activities as suggested by CBSE. I am sure this will help our children to realize, understand & explore their talents. In order to do this, the parents and the school authorities must work together to inculcate certain values in the students. “Sound body has a Sound Mind.” Let us allow our children to develop physically & mentally. Children learn alot of values when they are involved in Sports & Games. Some of these life skills & values cannot be taught in the classroom or at home. CHGS provides enough opportunities for the children to participate in Sports & games.
“If a plant is carefully nurtured by a gardener, it will become good, and produce better fruits.” Therefore, children must be given a good training from their earliest childhood. We are here for the same. I am sure that our students of today, tomorrow will carry forward the Motto of love and unity entrusted in their hands at Central Hindu Girls School.
“Do the work with intention not because of compulsion.” With all my love, best wishes and blessings

Professor Madhu Kushwaha

Vice Principal

The first step into school is that giant step forward, where children embark on the great adventure of discovering the wide world outside and the depth of the world within. As we hold the little finger and guide the young ones forward, we realize our responsibility of nurturing their curiosity, igniting their minds to pierce the skies, helping them to discover the world of books and richness of experience, ponder on the “mystery of birds in the sky, the bees in the sun, the flowers on a green hill”, and today master the magic of technology and the limitless span of cyber space.
We, at Central Hindu Girls School believe that education is a process of awakening individual potential to creative knowledge, but more importantly enlightening students with the wisdom that they must “never put a price tag on their heart and soul”. A good career is important but a good character is paramount. We believe that 'individuals' are the atoms that hold tremendous power within to serve as agents of change and thus are confident that our students, enriched with a sense of high morality and social responsibility will be makers of a virtuous society. In a world of stiff competition, strife and unrealistic aspirations, it calls for sensitivity on our part as educators to help children understand that predicament is common to everyone. Problems and challenges need to be faced courageously with conviction in our principles and confidence in our inner strength and dreams.

Dr. Siddhartha Choudharay
Vice Principal